The world is changing,

and so is our energy.


ENGIE, a leading renewable energy company in Brazil, operates in the generation, sale and transmission of electric energy, gas transportation and energy solutions. With its proprietary installed capacity of approximately 10 GW in 82 plants, which represents around 6% of domestic Brazilian capacity, the company has 100% of its installed capacity derived from renewable sources with low greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, such as hydropower, wind, solar and biomass plants.

ENGIE also owns the most extensive natural gas transportation network in the country, with 4,500 km crossing 10 states and 191 municipalities, thanks to the acquisition of Transportadora Associada de Gás - TAG, completed in 2020.

In addition, ENGIE has a complete portfolio of integrated solutions for reducing costs, emissions and improving infrastructure for companies, such as compressed air, local solar energy self-production, biogas and biomass, consultancy and energy management, HVAC and substations. In the cities, we work as a partner to make urban spaces more efficient and sustainable, examples being solutions in public lighting, electrical mobility and district cooling.

With a headcount of 2,600, the Company reported a turnover in Brazil of R$ 11.7 billion in 2023.

ENGIE is represented on B3 through its energy generation and commercialization company, the stock market ticker of which is EGIE3. ENGIE is a component of B3’s Novo Mercado, as well as being one of the only component’s listed in the Corporate Sustainability Index since the inception of the ISE in 2005. In 2021, B3 included ENGIE’s shares in the Carbon Efficient Index (ICO2), comprising the stock of companies which are participants in the IBrX 100 and show greater transparency in the way they report their GHG emissions and how they are preparing for a low carbon economy.

ENGIE Brasil in numbers

Own installed capacity:

10 GW

More than

2,032 MW under construction

Turnover of

R$ 12.8 billion in 2022

renewable sources


Transmission Lines in operation

3806 kms

We are approximately

2,600 employees in Brazil

Most extensive

gas pipeline network in Brazil

ENGIE’s Vision in Brazil

To transform how people relate with energy towards a more sustainable world.

ENGIE’s mission in Brazil

To offer innovative and sustainable solutions in energy and services to people, businesses, and cities.


Banco Nacional, a private-sector financial institution, creates Nacional Energética.

Nacional Energética and Furnas form a public-private partnership to complete the construction of the 1,275-MW Serra da Mesa Hydro Plant, on the Tocantins River, which had stopped.

Tractebel Electricity and Gas International, the international branch of Belgian company Tractebel, establishes itself in Brazil to form partnerships.

Tractebel opens it first office in Brazil, in the city of Rio de Janeiro.

Official registration of Tractebel Brasil Ltda. in Rio de Janeiro.

Concession of the 3450-MW Cana Brava Hydro Plant, on the Tocantins River.

Acquisition in a privatization auction held in September of state-owned company Gerasul, with 3,7198 MW in installed capacity and the Itá and Machadinho hydro plants under construction. Gerasul was the product of the spinoff of Eletrobras Eletrosul’s transmission and generation assets.

USD 801.5 million in own funds invested directly in Brazil with no local funding, despite finance being available from the National Economic and Social Development Bank (BNDES).

Facilitation, early completion and operational startup of the 1,450-MW Itá Hydro Plant, on the Uruguay River.

The last generator unit was startup in March 2001, during the electric energy rationing imposed by the Federal Government because of the “Apagão”, the name given to the temporary electric energy dearth associated with the country’s insufficient transmission lines.

Execution of the first direct electric energy sales agreement with a free consumer.

In response to the “Apagão” (Federally mandated energy rationing), ENGIE starts up the William Arjona Thermal Power Plant (state of Mato Grosso do Sul), which becomes the first to use natural gas from the Bolivia-Brazil pipeline. The plant was the first in the Federal Government’s Priority Thermal Plants Plan (Plano Prioritário de Termelétricas – PPT) to begin operating. That same year, expansion of the plant’s capacity to the current 190 MW began.

Operational startup of the 450-MW Cana Brava Hydro Plant, on the Tocantins River.

Operational Startup of the 1,140-MW Machadinho Hydro Plant, on the Uruguay River.

Consortium places winning bid at the concession auction for the 1,087-MW Estreito Hydro Plant, on the Tocantins River.

The Company holds Brazil’s first electric energy auction.

Operational startup of the Lages Co-Generation Unit (state of Santa Catarina), the first plant that ENGIE registered under the UN’s Clean Development Mechanism.

Consolidation of the Company’s activities in the free electric energy market. Agreements with large industrial consumers exceed 700 MWa.

Seven of the generation portfolio’s 13 plants ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 certified.

Third-party Operational startup of the 176-MW Ponte de Pedra Hydro Plant, on the Correntes River.

Subsidiary ENGIE Brasil Energia becomes listed in the Novo Mercado segment of the Stocks and Futures Exchange BM&FBovespa, currently renamed B3 (Brasil Bolsa Balcão).

Agreements with large industrial consumers exceed 1,000 MWa.

The Company is selected in December as a component of B3’s Corporate Sustainability Index (ISE), which lists companies with recognized commitment to socio-environmental responsibility and corporate sustainability.

Acquisition of the entirety of the equity capital of Ponte de Pedra Energética S.A., which holds the concession for the 176-MW Ponte de Pedra HPP, on the Correntes River.

Approval of subsidiary ENGIE Brasil Energia’s acquisition of Companhia Energética São Salvador (CESS), holder of the concession for the use of the São Salvador hydroelectric site, on the Tocantins River. The plant’s installed capacity will be 243.2 MW, with 148.5 MWa in guaranteed energy.

Construction start of the 33-MW Ibitiúva Thermal Power Plant, running on biomass (sugar cane bagasse).

Winning bid placed in the concession auction for the 3,750-MW Jirau HPP, on the Madeira River.

ENGIE (then under the name SUEZ) merges with state-owned company Gaz de France and is renamed GDF SUEZ.

Startup of the 243-MW São Salvador Hydro Plant, on the Tocantins River, and the 18-MW Pedra do Sal Wind Farm, in Parnaíba, state of Piauí.

ENGIE develops the Maestro system in Brazil, a light, flexible and secure solution for use in control and coordination hubs for urban or private areas surveillance and supervision and Smart City management. Its main application include traffic control on the Rio-Niterói Bridge, smart traffic lights in the cities of Niterói and Florianópolis, monitoring for the BR-163 Highway (a CCR concession), and remote operation of electric energy generation plants.

Commercial startup of the 19.8-MW Areia Branca Small Hydro Plant (SHP).

Completion of the combination of assets involving GDF SUEZ and UK-based International Power.

Operational startup of the 1,087-MW Estreito Hydro Plant, on the Tocantins River.

Unveiling of the 1,087-MW Estreito Hydro Plant, on the Tocantins River, at a ceremony attended by Federal Government officials.

Operational startup of the 115.4-MW Trairi Wind Complex, in the state of Ceará.

Entry into the energy efficiency segment through subsidiary EMAC – Cofely.

Operational startup of the 3-MW Cidade Azul Plant, state of Santa Catarina, ENGIE’s first centralized photovoltaic generation site in Brazil.

Construction start of the 345-MW Pampa Sul Thermal Power Plant, state of Rio Grande do Sul.

The Jorge Lacerda Thermal Power Complex celebrates its 50th anniversary in operation.

The Company adopts the ENGIE brand worldwide.

Entry into the Distributed Photovoltaic Generation segment.

Closing of the 72-MW Charqueadas Thermal Power Plant, state of Rio Grande do Sul.

Operational startup of the 97.2-MW Santa Mônica Wind Complex, state of Ceará.

Implementation start of the 326.7-MW Campo Largo Wind Complex, state of Bahia.

Implementation start of the 605-MW Umburanas Wind Complex, state of Bahia.

Operational startup of the 30-MW Assu V Solar Power Plant, state of Rio Grande do Norte.

Acquisition of the 424-MW Jaguara and 408-MW Miranda Hydro Plants, in the state of Minas Gerais, in a new tender for former CEMIG assets.

Entry into the Transmission Lines segment, with 1,000 kilometers in the state of Paraná.

Entry into the Electric Energy Retail segment (Retailer).

Entry into the energy monitoring segment with the acquisition of ACS.

Acquisition of GV Energy, a leader in energy and gas management, consulting and procurement.

Entry into the public lighting system through Sadenco.

Entry into the natural gas transportation segment by means of the acquisition of TAG – Transportadora Associada de Gás.

Acquisition of a 1,800-kilometer transmission project in the North region of Brazil

Commercial startup of the Pampa Sul Thermal Power Plant.

ENGIE places the winning bid for the Petrolina (state of Pernambuco) public lighting PPP.

Partnership with BC Energia for the construction of 7 solar power plants.

ENGIE and CPDQ acquire the remaining 10% of Transportadora Associada de Gás – TAG.

Partnership with Audi to install electric vehicle charging stations.

Signing of the Business Coalition for Ending Violence against Women and Girls

Installation of the 1st 100% domestically made wind turbine

Conclusion of the implementation of the Campo Largo 2 Wind Complex

Signature of the Assú Sol purchase agreement

Agreement with the Ceará state administration for a Green H2 project

Conclusion of the disposal of the Jorge Lacerda Thermoelectric Complex

Start of commercial operations of the Novo Estado transmission system

Acquisition of Assú Sol finalized

Awarded the EDGE Gender Equality Certification

Pioneering debenture issuance for a Public Lighting PPP

Agreement for the sale of the Pampa Sul Thermoelectric Plant is signed

ENGIE wins the bid for the Curitiba Public Lighting PPP

Book commemorating 25 years of ENGIE in Brazil is published

Conclusion of the Petrolina public lighting modernization project

Conclusion of the implementation of the Novo Estado transmission system

Start of operations of the Curitiba Public Lighting PPP

Signing of the Business Coalition for Gender and Racial Equality

Start of commercial operations at the Santo Agostinho Wind Complex

Signing of a green H2 agreement in Paraná

Sale of the Pampa Sul Thermoelectric Plant concluded

ENGIE bids successfully for Lote 5 in a Transmission Auction

First issuance of Trairi CERs

Start made on the implementation of the Serra do Assuruá Wind Complex

Jirau complete 10 years of operations

Petrolina Public Lighting PPP receives international certification

Jirau receives international sustainability certification

Acquisition of photovoltaic complexes with 545 MW of installed capacity

Sale of a 15% stake in TAG to CDPQ

TAG and Origem Energia sign an agreement for the first natural gas storage project in Brazil

A sustainable company is an ethical company

Throughout the world, ethics is a value which permeates all attitudes and initiatives of ENGIE and its employees. To know the Code of Ethics and other documents which reaffirm ENGIE Brasil’s conduct in all its businesses and relationships, please see:

ENGIE around the world

ENGIE is a global reference in low-carbon energy and services. With its 97,000 employees, its customers, partners and stakeholders, the Group is committed to accelerate the transition towards a carbon-neutral world, through reduced energy consumption and more environmentally-friendly solutions. Inspired by its purpose, ENGIE reconciles economic performance with a positive impact on people and the planet, building on its key businesses (gas, renewable energy, services) to offer competitive solutions to its customers. Turnover in 2023: 82.6 billion Euros.

The Group is listed on the Paris and Brussels stock exchanges (ENGI) and is represented in the main financial indices (CAC 40, Euronext 100, FTSE Euro 100, MSCI Europe) and non-financial indices (DJSI World, Euronext Vigeo Eiris – Europe 120 / France 20, MSCI EMU ESG screened, MSCI EUROPE ESG Universal Select, Stoxx Europe 600 ESG-X).

Know the ENGIE Group
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