
The Investors section contains information about ENGIE Brasil Energia S.A., which is the ENGIE's group company listed in the Brazilian Stock Exchange (B3: EGIE3, ADR: EGIEY).

Dividends Policy

Pursuant to its Bylaws, ENGIE Brasil Energia is mandatorily required to distribute dividends to shareholders of at least 30% of the Company's net income. However, the Company goes further, practicing an indicative policy of minimum payment of 55% of the adjusted net income. In addition, the Board of Directors may deliberate on a dividend payout for shorter periods, conditional on the dividend payout not exceeding the amount in capital reserves. The Board of Directors may also declare interim dividends for account of retained earnings from existing profit reserves in the preceding annual or semi-annual balance sheet, as the case may be. Based on a Board of Directors resolution, ENGIE Brasil Energia may credit or pay interest on shareholders' equity according to the prevailing legal provisions. The values paid out by ENGIE Brasil Energia in the form of interest on shareholders' equity may be incorporated in the value of the mandatory dividends.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Company may distribute dividends, including interest on shareholders' capital for values less than 55% of adjusted net income when required by the prevailing legislation or as a result of the Company's financial status, including but not limited to cases in which the preservation of the Company's liquidity or the strengthening of its financial position is to be recommended in the judgment of the Board of Directors. Furthermore, the Company may at any time revise, change or revoke, the indicative policy for the distribution of the above-mentioned dividends through a Board of Directors resolution.

Finally, the Company's bylaws do not provide for the concession of specific rights to the shareholders in the event of non-payment of dividends, in these cases the pertinent legislation being applied. In addition, the bylaws establish that, should the shareholder fail to claim dividends on the expiration of a three-year period, then these dividends shall revert to the benefit of the Company.

Main dividend policy features

Minimum mandatory dividend

Minimum mandatory dividend

30% of net adjusted income.

Management Commitment

Minimum payout of

55% of net adjusted income.


2 dividends per year

Dividend History

Click here to view the spreadsheet with the detailed history of the shareholders remuneration.


Shareholders remuneration

Dividends (based on distributable net income).


Dividend per Share (R$)

Dividend Yield



¹ Dividend per Share (R$): For the purpose of comparability between fiscal years, an adjustement in dividend per share was made in light of the bonus share approved on December 07, 2018

² Payout: Considers the annual payable net income.

³ Dividend yield: Based on volume-weighted closing price of ON shares in the period.

⁴ The 2019 figures were restated due to the retaining of complementary dividends by the AGM.

⁵ 2020: Payout equivalent to 100% of the distributable adjusted net income (ex-hydrological risk negotiation).

⁶ 6M24: Payout equivalente a 55% do lucro líquido distribuível (excluindo ganhos com alienação parcial dos investimentos na TAG).

Stockholding position and income statement

Check out your stockholding position in the shares of ENGIE Brasil Energia on the internet.

The principal information for controlling your investments are available on the Internet: stockholding position, movement statement, notification of payments, income statement and subscription bulletin.

  • Income Reports - Digital Correspondence Portal

    We would like to inform you that this year the Income Reports issued by the registrar of shares of ENGIE Brasil Energia (Banco Itaú), will be available exclusively on the Digital Correspondence Portal, starting from 02/29/2024.

    To access the Reports, it is necessary to register in the Portal through the website: https://correspondenciasdigitais.itau.com.br/login . In case of doubt, contact the Shareholders’ Call Center.

  • Other queries

    For account holders, simply access www.itau.com.br , including branch data, current account and electronic password. In the Investments menu are the other queries of your shares registered by Itaú.

    For non-account holders, other inquiries can be made through the website www.itaucorretora.com.br. If you have not yet registered, the shareholder must access the “Non-account holder” tab and click on “I want to register”. The consultation will be available after creating the login and password and subsequent activation of the registration in Portfolio > Share Bookkeeping.

Shareholders Call Center

If you have any questions or need more information, call Shareholders Call Center Shareholders Call Center on telephone (11) 3003-9285 (capital cities and metropolitan regions) or 0800 720 9285 (other locations).
Exclusive phone line for Income Statement inquiries - available from 03/01 to 05/31: 0800 720 5299

Automatic queries by email: To receive the desired information, you just need to send an email with the desired #theme in the subject field to preatendimentoescritural@itau-unibanco.com.br

Subjects in the subject field: #Income Reports #UpdateCadastralPF #UpdateCadastralPJ #RequestResearchPF #RequestPesquisaPJ

Working days from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm.

Investments Calculator

Simulation data


Note: The calculation of the return on investment does not include the reinvestment of any dividends received

Nominal paid price R$ ---
Adjusted paid price R$ ---
Split factor R$ ---
Current number of stocks (adjusted by the factor)
Current stock price R$ ---
Current assets R$ ---
Percentile variations --%
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