Diversity and Inclusion

At ENGIE we actively promote and defend human rights, combating discrimination and seeking to eliminate inequalities, creating a healthy and harmonious working environment, free of physical, occupational and /or psychological violence through attention to, prevention and punishment of any kind of harassment and any conduct contrary to moral or ethical principles that govern us. This with the purpose of reinforcing the quality of the personal and professional life of our employees, contributing to actions of social responsibility in the eyes of the stakeholders.


At ENGIE we actively promote and defend human rights, combating discrimination and seeking to eliminate inequalities, creating a healthy and harmonious working environment, free of physical, occupational and /or psychological violence through attention to, prevention and punishment of any kind of harassment and any conduct contrary to moral or ethical principles that govern us. This with the purpose of reinforcing the quality of the personal and professional life of our employees, contributing to actions of social responsibility in the eyes of the stakeholders.

Equality of gender

Is the impartial treatment that women and men receive, according to their respective needs, either through equal treatment or with differentiated treatment that is considered equivalent in terms of rights, benefits, obligations, and possibilities. In the field of development, an objective of gender equality generally requires measures that compensate for the historical and social disadvantages associated with the female gender.


Inclusion is a set of conscious behaviors. An inclusive workplace culture considers individual differences, reinforcing a sense of belonging and respect so that men and women can give their best and all may enjoy equal opportunities of success.


At ENGIE we actively promote and defend human rights, combating discrimination and seeking to eliminate inequalities, creating a healthy and harmonious working environment, free of physical, occupational and /or psychological violence through attention to, prevention and punishment of any kind of harassment and any conduct contrary to moral or ethical principles that govern us. This with the purpose of reinforcing the quality of the personal and professional life of our employees, contributing to actions of social responsibility in the eyes of the stakeholders.

Equality of gender

Is the impartial treatment that women and men receive, according to their respective needs, either through equal treatment or with differentiated treatment that is considered equivalent in terms of rights, benefits, obligations, and possibilities. In the field of development, an objective of gender equality generally requires measures that compensate for the historical and social disadvantages associated with the female gender.


Inclusion is a set of conscious behaviors. An inclusive workplace culture considers individual differences, reinforcing a sense of belonging and respect so that men and women can give their best and all may enjoy equal opportunities of success.

What does Diversity & Inclusion mean for ENGIE?

In addition to developing an inclusive culture, Diversity & Inclusion at ENGIE means respecting all employees and giving due value to the richness of their differences. Encouraging diversity of people and of thought provides a sense of collaboration and business development that contributes to building a sustainable and more inclusive future.

Why do we need to talk about Diversity & Inclusion?

As we proceed to welcome differences, we are increasingly committed to sustaining an inclusive culture. Fostering a working environment where people can be who they are helps employees develop in their careers and increase their productivity, and the impacts on the businesses grow.

Commitments for achieving non-financial objectives

Women's Empowerment Principles - The 7 Principles are a set of considerations that help the business community incorporate values and practices aimed at gender equity and women's empowerment into their businesses.

Movimento Mulher 360 - An independent association of leading organizations in the Brazilian business scene, committed to promoting gender equality and increasing female participation in the corporate environment, in communities and in the value chain.

Business Coalition to End Violence Against Women and Girls - Private, collaborative initiative that combines corporate efforts and resources to generate social impact by raising awareness and mobilizing for a common cause: ending violence against women and girls.

EDGE - One of the main global certifications for gender equity and intersectionality. ENGIE Brasil's Assess-level certification means that the organization is engaged in its journey to achieve a better gender balance and promotes actions to attract, retain, develop, and engage female talent at different levels of responsibility and types of activities.

Diversity and Inclusion Policy
Our policy seeks to facilitate diversity in work teams and promote an inclusive work environment that implies respecting and valuing individual differences, as well as guaranteeing equal opportunities for everyone in the company. We recently launched the Diversity & Inclusion policy in Portuguese and Spanish.


Respeitamos as diferenças individuais de cultura, religião e origem étnica.


Promovemos a igualdade de oportunidades e o desenvolvimento para todos os colaboradores e colaboradoras, buscando em todo momento a equidade de gênero.


Nos processos de contratação, buscamos fornecer as mesmas oportunidades de emprego para as pessoas, independentemente de sua: raça, cor, religião, gênero, orientação sexual, estado civil, nacionalidade, deficiência, ou qualquer outra situação protegido pelas leis locais.


Fomentamos um ambiente de trabalho respeitoso e igualitário, de comunicação aberta, livre de discriminação, assédio sexual e outras formas de intolerância e violência.


Estamos comprometidos na atração, retenção e motivação dos nossos colaboradores, nosso sistema de remuneração e benefícios não faz diferença entre colaboradores homens e mulheres que desempenhem funções de responsabilidade semelhante.


Respeitamos e promovemos o direito das pessoas ao equilíbrio em suas vidas; promover a corresponsabilização na vida profissional, familiar e pessoal dos nossos colaboradores.


Proibimos estritamente a discriminação em qualquer das suas expressões, tais como homofobia, misoginia, qualquer manifestação de xenofobia, segregação racial, antissemitismo, bem como a discriminação racial e outras formas de intolerância relacionadas.


Em termos de inclusão, criamos condições favoráveis para a participação de pessoas em situação de vulnerabilidade social no mercado de trabalho sem discriminação e com igualdade de oportunidades de acesso, permanência, remuneração e crescimento profissional.


Estabelecemos medidas específicas no nosso trabalho diário que permitem e promovem a diversidade e a inclusão, e nos comprometemos formalmente a garantir que todos os compromissos incluídos nesta política se reflitam de forma tangível nos nossos processos e procedimentos.

Our main initiatives

Women’s Campaign

External campaign for reinforcing our commitment with gender equity.

Fifty-Fifty Program

Program with the aim of reaching equity in positions of leadership by 2030.

Trainings and courses

Training in Unconscious Biases

To level the knowledge and self-perception of biases between different regions of Latin America for fostering a more inclusive working environment.

Training Women in Leadership

Driving the development of potential leaders for achieving the positive results which gender equity promotes.

Masculinities Training and Group

Masculinities transformation movement including all the intersectionality that covers it.

D&I course (global) in U.Learn

Support diversity, inclusion and belonging and to speak about the importance of the theme for the success of our company.

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