Energy Management

Energy Efficiency

  • What is Energy Efficiency?

    Energy Efficiency is the ratio  between the quantity of energy (or power) employed in a system and the quantity of energy (or power) that the system can supply to this end. For example, a car engine receives chemical energy (in the form of fuel) and provides mechanical energy (in the form of torque and rotation of the wheels), and the energy efficiency of this engine would be the ratio between the mechanical energy supplied and the chemical energy received. Worthy of note is that  efficiency is never as much as 100 %, that is, the energy received is never totally converted into the energy supplied by it. This goes for all energy systems, whether engines, turbines, ventilators, pumps, lamps, etc.
  • Which are the Energy Efficiency solutions that ENGIE proposes?

    Solutions to increase the efficiency of equipment range from repairs, operational and/or pre maintenance activities, change of components and even the change of the system as a whole. For the best solution, certain options are studied and current costs  (energy, operation and maintenance (O&M) and others) compared with future costs as part of a technical and financial feasibility analysis. ENGIE offers energy efficiency solutions for client utilities: air conditioning, compressed air, steam generation system (boilers), lighting, energy generation, co-generation, industrial refrigeration, water, motors and pump systems. Following  an initial analysis, an energy efficiency pre-offer is presented including the viability analysis for one or more of the systems described.
  • What is an ESCO?

    The acronym ESCO in English, means Energy Save Company. The same acronym is used in Brazil with a similar meaning Energy Conservation Services Company. ESCOs are engineering companies specialized in energy efficiency, the professionals of which undertake feasibility analysis of actions which can be taken so that certain systems become more efficient. An ESCO works with multidisciplinary engineers, that study different possibilities, analyzing their costs with market equipment as well as specialized labor for each solution analyzed - installers, designers and others -, so proposing the best possible and most viable solutions for their clients.
  • How does an Energy Efficiency project work?

    Generally, energy efficiency projects are executed based on a study of the current conditions of the systems (client utilities) the focus of operations, by consolidating the existing scenario in which these systems operate. In this way, some technically viable solutions can be established for increasing the efficiency of the systems and the consequent costs and benefits expected for each solution. Following the analysis, the solutions are ranked according to a criterion chosen in conjunction with the client.
  • How does a Performance Agreement work?

    A performance agreement is one where the client pays for the financial injection made by an ESCO in the role of investor – in costs of projects, equipment, installation, measurements, etc. – with savings accruing from the energy efficiency project. Thus, the investor is remunerated for its work and the client receives the benefits without realizing any additional investments other than the monthly costs already allocated for payment of energy and/or fuel invoices.
  • What are the guaranteed average savings?

    We cannot say what the percentage of savings of a project is going to be beforehand.  Depending on the selected system involved, percentages may vary considerably. For example in steam generation systems (boilers), a reduction of 10 % in energy consumption can be significant, while in the case of lighting, a 30 % reduction may be quite small. Thus, careful analysis is required to arrive at this percentage and always based on a conservative outlook.
  • What are the principal benefits for my company?

    Benefits can be classified as direct and indirect. The direct benefits come from the reduction in energy or fuel consumption with the consequent  reduction in the monthly cost of these inputs. Conversely , the indirect benefits are various as for example the postponement or reallocation of investments, the reduction in emissions of pollutants, the increase in competitiveness through the reduction in costs of the product, the improvement in reliability and uptime of the systems included in the project, the modernization of the equipment complex, among others.
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