For the 19th consecutive year ENGIE Brasil Energia is listed in B3’s Sustainability Index

For the 19th consecutive year, ENGIE Brasil Energia (EGIE3) saw its shares included in B3’s Corporate Sustainability Index (ISE). ENGIE is part of a select list of corporate names which have been components since the index’s inception.

The preliminary portfolio announced comprises shares of 78 companies listed on B3, pertaining to 36 sectors, the activities of which are underscored by the commitment to sustainability. The index serves as an investor indicator for adopting decisions in the light of the growing importance of ESG practices in sustaining the longevity of the businesses. To qualify as a component in the index, the company must adhere to a series of criteria both of a financial nature as well as those related to environmental equilibrium, social justice and corporate governance.
“We believe that the consistence of our strategy based on respect for the environment and on people, is what has allowed us to remain in the ISE portfolio for the past 19 years. The journey of accelerated growth in renewable generation and diversification of the businesses has been rigorously planned and executed 2016 through the medium of investments of more than R$ 20 billion. During this period, the demands of the market have changed, the sectorial context as well, and for this reason it is fundamental to develop a dialog with different stakeholders and be ready to adapt always with a focus on strengthening our positioning for generating positive impacts for the businesses and for society as a whole”, observes, Eduardo Sattamini, the Company’s CEO.

B3’s Carbon Efficient Index (ICO2)
For the fourth time, ENGIE Brasil Energia was also selected, to make up B3’s new Carbon Efficient Index (ICO2) portfolio. The ICO2 comprises the shares of companies listed in the IBrX 100 and the most transparent in their reporting of greenhouse gas emissions and how they are preparing for a low-carbon economy.
Created in 2010, ICO2 B3 aims to be an instrument for inducing discussions on climate change in Brazil. “In the second quarter of this year, with the completion of the sale of our last coal-fired asset, ENGIE Brasil Energia became the largest 100% renewable energy generation company in the country. This is a milestone in our strategy of which we are very proud,” says Chief Financial and Investor Relations Officer, Eduardo Takamori Guiyotoku.
ENGIE has also accelerated its Climate Journey by defining clear and measurable goals and commitments, covering scopes 1, 2 and 3. The company is now focusing in particular on the challenge of engaging the value chain in building a carbon-neutral society.

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