Sustainability Reports

The Investors section contains information about ENGIE Brasil Energia S.A., which is the ENGIE's group company listed in the Brazilian Stock Exchange (B3: EGIE3, ADR: EGIEY).

Report with purpose

Every year, ENGIE Brasil Energia publishes its Sustainability Report aiming to inform the various publics with which it relates about its challenges and advances in relation to ESG aspects – an acronym for the terms Environmental, Social and Governance. The publication, in addition to economic, operational and socio-environmental performance indicators, also reports on policies, processes and practices related to the most relevant topics for business sustainability.

In this way, it demonstrates the evolution of the corporate strategy and its consequences, always connected to the Company's purpose: to act to accelerate the transition to a carbon-neutral society by means of reduced energy consumption and more environmentally friendly solutions.

Sustainability Report 2022

In 2022, we acted, accelerated and moved forward, reaping results that reflect the consistency of our strategy, the resilience of our business model, the effectiveness of our risk management and our solid governance structure. Check out detailed information on our performance throughout the year.

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ENGIE Brasil Energia's Sustainability Report is in line with the guidelines of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), a non-profit organization that proposes guidelines to ensure the quality and comparability of reports by organizations around the world.

In recent years, following global trends in ESG management and reporting, the Company has added to the Report part of the recommendations of other reference institutions on the subject, such as the International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC), United Nations Global Compact, World Economic Forum, Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB), Financial Stability Board (FSB) – under the Task Force on Climate Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) and the Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD).

In 2023, we’ve celebrated ENGIE Brasil Energia’s 25th anniversary, a period also marked by reaching the largest 100% renewable generator landmark in Brazil, an objective planned and executed with great diligence since 2016, in accordance with our purpose and vision of future. We thank all the people and institutions that support us along this trajectory and who, like us, believe and invest in Brazil's potential as a relevant agent in the carbon neutral economy, on a global scale.

Eduardo Sattamini

Chief Executive Officer of ENGIE Brasil Energia

Our ESG conduct

Shared with employees, shareholders, customers and other stakeholders, the ENGIE Group's purpose drives the Company's ESG agenda, seeking to reconcile economic performance and positive impact on people and the planet.

This premise is reflected in its Sustainable Management Policy, in which ENGIE Brasil Energia seeks continuous improvement in its performance, through an approach that considers the life cycle and circular economy; stakeholder participation, consultation and engagement; and compliance with legislation and other voluntary commitments assumed.

Aligned to the assumptions of the Agenda 2030, proposed by the United Nations Organization (ONU), our guidelines and practices seek to ensure the equilibrium between economic growth, environmental conservation and social justice, as required by the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs

ENGIE Group's non-financial objectives 2030



Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions

Reduce to a maximum of 43 MtCO2e total Greenhouse Gas emissions from the Group’s electric energy generation — in 2019, this total was 80 MtCO2e (objective in alignment to the Science Based Target Initiative – SBTi).

Gender Diversity

Increase to at least 40% women’s participation in the management of the Group — in 2019, women occupied 24% of all leadership positions.

Renewable Energy

Raise the share of renewable sources in the worldwide energy production capacity mix to 58% - up from 28% in 2019.

Supply chain

By 2030, reaching 100% of the responsible purchasing index (excluding acquisition of energy), which involves socio-environmental assessments and inclusive purchasing; and reaching 100% by 2030 of the top 250 preferred suppliers certified for Science Based Targets (SBTi) commitments.


To achieve a water consumption ratio relative to energy generated of 0.1 m3/kWh.

ENGIE Group's non-financial objectives 2030

Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions


Reduzir para, no mínimo, 43 MtCO₂ e o total de emissões de gases de efeito provenientes da geração de energia elétrica do Grupo – em 2017, esse valor foi de 107 MtCO₂e (meta certificada pelo Science Based Target – SBTi).

Gender Diversity

60 MtCO₂e).


Increase the number of women in the Group's management to 50% - in 2019, they held 24% of leadership positions.

Renewable Energy


Raise the share of renewable sources in the worldwide energy production capacity mix to 58% - up from 28% in 2019.

Supply chain


Atingimento de 100%, até 2030, do índice de compras responsáveis (excluída a aquisição de energia), que envolvem avaliações socioambientais e compras inclusivas; e atingimento de 100%, até 20230, dos top 250 fornecedores preferenciais certificados por compromissos Science Based Targets (SBTi)



Reduction of 70% in the intesity rate (consumption/energy produced) of water consumption for industrial activites by 2030 - from 0.331m³/MWh in 2019 to 0,100m³/MWh in 2030


To guide the 2023 Sustainability Report, the Company developed a Materiality Study, with the objective of reviewing the relevant topics listed in previous years, as well as identifying any new topics relevant both to the insertion of ESG aspects into the business strategy and to the disclosure targeted to stakeholders.

In this sense, a double materiality exercise began, adding to the analysis of the socio-environmental impact of business on society and the environment the perspective on how the socio-environmental environment impacts (or can potentially impact) the Company's performance, associated with corporate risks management.

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Highlights 2023

Emissions and climate

Conclusion of the sale of the Pampa Sul Thermoelectric Power Plant, the only coal-fired asset in the portfolio, which positions ENGIE Brasil Energia as the largest generator of 100% renewable electricity in the country.

GHG emissions, consequently, decreased significantly for another year: from 1,108 thousand tCO2e in 2022 to 671 thousand tCO2e in 2023 (-39.4%).

Investments of R$2.9 billion in 2023 in renewable energy and transmission lines, and forecasts of a further R$13.8 billion between 2024 and 2026.

Establishment of the Climate Journey, ratified by the Board of Directors, establishing public and science-based goals in climate mitigation, adaptation and management for our operations in Brazil. The Journey is aligned with the ENGIE Group's NetZero commitment until 2045.

Creation of the Supplier Decarbonization Program, aimed at engagement, awareness and emission management and mitigation actions in the supply chain, which directly impact the Company's Scope 3 emissions - which is, from 2023 onward, the most representative scope of our total emissions.

“A-“ rating in CDP Climate Change 2023 from CDP Disclosure Insight Action. The 2022 assessment had been “B”, which demonstrates progress in management and commitments.


Initiatives to preserve the five Brazilian biomes where the Company operates.

More than 1,600 km² of reservoir area and more than 6,800 km inspected and preserved, in partnership with local communities and associations.

Deepening the measurement of impacts and dependencies, and economic valuation of biodiversity, in line with the recently launched TNFD (Taskforce on nature-related Financial Disclosures) guidelines.

37 Conservation Units mapped around the reservoirs.

Around 444 thousand seedlings of native species produced, per year, in the company's own forestry nurseries.


Continuous monitoring of the water footprint and quality control of the water resource related to activities.

The freshwater consumption rate went from 0.19m³/MWh in 2019 to 0.046m³/MWh in 2023, around a 76% reduction.

Initiatives to ensure the quality and availability of water resources.

Around 2,500 protected springs, in seven Brazilian states, since 2010.


Prioritization, whenever possible, of recycling, reuse and material recovery processes.

Average recovery of 80% of waste, 8 p.p above the target established for the year.

Strengthening the commitment to promoting the circular economy, established by the ENGIE Group's Environmental Policy and reflected in the Company's Environmental Conservation Strategy.

Pioneering initiative in recycling solar panels – more than 300 tons of recycled panels, with 99% material recovery, avoiding final disposal in industrial landfills.


1,099 direct employees at the end of 2023 – of which 29.4% were women (an increase of 2.7 p.p. compared to 2022).

79 thousand hours dedicated to training (13% increase compared to 2022).

93% of employees would recommend ENGIE to work for, according to internal research.

97% fully believe in ENGIE's goals and objectives, according to the same survey.

Occupational Health and Safety System (OSH) covering all operations, assets and employees – contributing to prevent, control, eliminate or reduce risks, in accordance with ISO 45.001 guidelines.

Evolution of Frequency and Severity Rates of own employees and service providers in relation to 2022, with results that positively exceed pre-established goals. Expanded focus on mental health actions.


R$ 18.7 million in investments in communities (including own and incentivized resources)

4th call for Mulheres do Nosso Bairro Program

R$930 thousand in resources

93 entrepreneurs supported, this year with a focus on empowering black women

3rd call of the Energy to Education Program

R$ 350 thousand donated

35 projects

15 thousand children and adolescents have benefited since the beginning of the Program

More than 100 partnerships established in Parcerias do Bem.

Enabling (with or without counterpart from ENGIE) more than R$5 million in social investments.

+30% in incentivized resources mobilized


Relationship with 3,993 suppliers in 2023

100% of suppliers registered during the year underwent socio-environmental assessment

Survey with suppliers to expand understanding of their ESG policies and practices.

Creation of the multi-annual Supplier Decarbonization Program, also aiming to deepen and improve other ESG aspects in the chain.


Member of the Novo Mercado, a listing segment for companies with the highest level of corporate governance on B3.

Constant evolution of governance, based on three pillars: integrated management, risk management and ethics and integrity.

Active Integrity Program and Ethics Committee, monitored by the Board of Directors.

Creation, during the year, of the Legal and Ethics Officer – reinforcing the relevance of integrity aspects in High Management.

60 complaints received by the Reporting Channel in 2023, of which 22 were related to potential ethical violations.

10 risk groups mapped and mitigated – integrated to Materiality Matrix

Environment & Climate

Emissions and climate

Conclusion of the sale of the Pampa Sul Thermoelectric Power Plant, the only coal-fired asset in the portfolio, which positions ENGIE Brasil Energia as the largest generator of 100% renewable electricity in the country.

GHG emissions, consequently, decreased significantly for another year: from 1,108 thousand tCO2e in 2022 to 671 thousand tCO2e in 2023 (-39.4%).

Investments of R$2.9 billion in 2023 in renewable energy and transmission lines, and forecasts of a further R$13.8 billion between 2024 and 2026.

Establishment of the Climate Journey, ratified by the Board of Directors, establishing public and science-based goals in climate mitigation, adaptation and management for our operations in Brazil. The Journey is aligned with the ENGIE Group's NetZero commitment until 2045.

Creation of the Supplier Decarbonization Program, aimed at engagement, awareness and emission management and mitigation actions in the supply chain, which directly impact the Company's Scope 3 emissions - which is, from 2023 onward, the most representative scope of our total emissions.

“A-“ rating in CDP Climate Change 2023 from CDP Disclosure Insight Action. The 2022 assessment had been “B”, which demonstrates progress in management and commitments.


Initiatives to preserve the five Brazilian biomes where the Company operates.

More than 1,600 km² of reservoir area and more than 6,800 km inspected and preserved, in partnership with local communities and associations.

Deepening the measurement of impacts and dependencies, and economic valuation of biodiversity, in line with the recently launched TNFD (Taskforce on nature-related Financial Disclosures) guidelines.

37 Conservation Units mapped around the reservoirs.

Around 444 thousand seedlings of native species produced, per year, in the company's own forestry nurseries.


Continuous monitoring of the water footprint and quality control of the water resource related to activities.

The freshwater consumption rate went from 0.19m³/MWh in 2019 to 0.046m³/MWh in 2023, around a 76% reduction.

Initiatives to ensure the quality and availability of water resources.

Around 2,500 protected springs, in seven Brazilian states, since 2010.


Prioritization, whenever possible, of recycling, reuse and material recovery processes.

Average recovery of 80% of waste, 8 p.p above the target established for the year.

Strengthening the commitment to promoting the circular economy, established by the ENGIE Group's Environmental Policy and reflected in the Company's Environmental Conservation Strategy.

Pioneering initiative in recycling solar panels – more than 300 tons of recycled panels, with 99% material recovery, avoiding final disposal in industrial landfills.



1,099 direct employees at the end of 2023 – of which 29.4% were women (an increase of 2.7 p.p. compared to 2022).

79 thousand hours dedicated to training (13% increase compared to 2022).

93% of employees would recommend ENGIE to work for, according to internal research.

97% fully believe in ENGIE's goals and objectives, according to the same survey.

Occupational Health and Safety System (OSH) covering all operations, assets and employees – contributing to prevent, control, eliminate or reduce risks, in accordance with ISO 45.001 guidelines.

Evolution of Frequency and Severity Rates of own employees and service providers in relation to 2022, with results that positively exceed pre-established goals. Expanded focus on mental health actions.


R$ 18.7 million in investments in communities (including own and incentivized resources)

4th call for Mulheres do Nosso Bairro Program

R$930 thousand in resources

93 entrepreneurs supported, this year with a focus on empowering black women

3rd call of the Energy to Education Program

R$ 350 thousand donated

35 projects

15 thousand children and adolescents have benefited since the beginning of the Program

More than 100 partnerships established in Parcerias do Bem.

Enabling (with or without counterpart from ENGIE) more than R$5 million in social investments.


Relationship with 3,993 suppliers in 2023

100% of suppliers registered during the year underwent socio-environmental assessment

Survey with suppliers to expand understanding of their ESG policies and practices.

Creation of the multi-annual Supplier Decarbonization Program, also aiming to deepen and improve other ESG aspects in the chain.



Member of the Novo Mercado, a listing segment for companies with the highest level of corporate governance on B3.

Constant evolution of governance, based on three pillars: integrated management, risk management and ethics and integrity.

Active Integrity Program and Ethics Committee, monitored by the Board of Directors.

Creation, during the year, of the Legal and Ethics Officer – reinforcing the relevance of integrity aspects in High Management.

60 complaints received by the Reporting Channel in 2023, of which 22 were related to potential ethical violations.

10 risk groups mapped and mitigated – integrated to Materiality Matrix

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